According to reports, Amitabh Bachchan wants to make a comeback to television. It’s not like the veteran has much time to spare considering the number of films he is currently associated with. Confirming the rumours of his signing a Sanjay Leela Bhansali film, Amitabh is also busy shooting for Aladdin.
Talking about his venture with Bhansali, the Big B says, “It will be inappropriate to talk about the project as we are just discussing its script. But, yes I was approached to do the film and it will be directed by his assistant, while Bhansali will produce it. It’s titled Janaab Gandhi’
He also affirmed the news about his wish to make a comeback on TV. He said, “Discussions and meetings are on about the same. There are some game shows and other ideas to be considered. Now we’ll pick and choose and I may be on the small screen very soon.”
Ask him about his impending world tour which has been in the pipeline for quite some time now, and he states, “It’s just the usual thing that happens on live shows. There will be song, dance, music, discussion and the likes.” Well, in that case, wonder why the audience should shell out good money to come and watch ‘the usual’. Anyway, moving on, he gives a very Big B like retort on the stars who backed out from the tour. He says, “I am thinking about the people who will participate in the tour. I don’t think of those who walked out. I am just eager to see them.” So are we, provided we get to experience something out of the ordinary, considering it is The Bachchans we are talking about.
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