Fairly than take on Aamir Khan Imran's openly launch pad Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na head-over-heels, the Bawejas seems to have decided to do away with their Mumbai premiere for the magnum opus, Love Story 2050. Although producer-director Harry Baweja says a Mumbai premiere was never planned, it is heard that the sudden decision for the people behind Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na to have a premiere came as a lock up from the blue to the Bawejas. They didn’t want to embarrass or inconvenience their guests by forcing them to make a choice
between the two films or rushing between the two venues. They thought that it was better to move away completely. Harry Baweja confirmed that there would be no Mumbai premiere for Love Story 2050.They are planning a world premiere in London and perhaps in Dubai. In Mumbaithey are spending Rs 25 lakh per day on television publicity alone. Harman
better deliver. He added that the film needs no further promotion in Mumbai or in the other metros. He is in two minds about Dubai. But yes, a London premiere
is confirmed. They can do that without a premiere in Mumbai.
He has seen films with the most generous premieres in Mumbai bombing on Friday.
On the other hand, Guru had a premiere in Toronto and Om
Shanti Om in London. Did audiences in Mumbai reject these films because
there was no Mumbai premiere? This is a strange industry. There're no permanent
friendships or enmities here. A director who was slapped by hero is now working
with him again. He actually wanted a premiere in Toronto, Dubai and London.
London is a huge market and an opening for the entire overseas sector.
Premieres in Mumbai he feels are publicity stunts that can easily backfire. So,
no thanks!
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