Actor Akshay Kumar may be smiling all the way to the bank these days – what with his soaring popularity, and multi-crore deals. But though he is happy and on cloud nine, we just got news that the actor made director Anees Bazmee cry on the sets of Singh Is Kinng.
No, he didn't act difficult or pricey, but Akshay simply enacted an emotional scene so well, that it brought tears to Anees' eyes. The scene apparently was a dialogue between Kirron Kher and Akshay.
Producer Vipul Shah tells us, "It was a very emotional and touching scene and it was coming out in such a realistic manner that every one got absorbed in it... and while there was pin drop silence, we could hear one person sniffing. It was Anees. As a producer, I felt good, because it meant that the director was so involved and that he knew, he got what he wanted."
It's a different thing that the crew didn't stop pulling his leg and till date continue to tease Baby Bazmee! And we all thought that Akshay was just a great action actor...
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